Story Time

Icy fingers gripped my arm in the darkness. I flinched, jumped and filled with fright. I wanted to turn my head to see who it was but I was petrified. So I tried to put all my fears aside as nonchalantly look to one side. Seconds passed by and the shadowy person’s icy fingers were slowly heating up to my body temperature. I looked and I saw a man whom face I had never seen before yet he seemed familiar. His eyes made contact with mine as he whispered do not scream as he slowly gripped my arm tighter.



*Keffyskrazylife does not claim credit for any images posted on this blog unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyrighted to their owners. If there is an image that belongs to you and you do not want it to appear on this site please e-mail a link of the image and it will be removed.



Pop Sockets

Have you ever heard of Pop Sockets? First off it is a grip for your phone. In december I had found a pig butt grip like thing from a store near me which let my phone stand up without holding it so I can  watch T.V. and do whatever else on my phone. It was pretty much a Pop Socket but it wasn’t the greatest to say the least. It wouldn’t stick to my phone case and I’m to clumsy to not have a phone case. However, then I found Pop Sockets, well to be honest my sister found it first. It is the same thing as the pig butt I had before but better. People can design their own or pick whatever premade design they want. They even have a mount that you can put anywhere in your car on your mirror the possibilities are endless. They have way more ways to use them on your website. If you want to check them out I have a coupon for you if you use the link here: The link will take you to a screen with the coupon code and two dollars off your order one; however the code that is shown on the screen needs to be typed in at checkout to work. You just can’t press continue and go to the store and then order normally or you will not get the discount. Lastly this post isn’t sponsored I just like to write about things I like and want to tell others if they haven’t already heard about it. I posted some pics of my Pop Scocket down below. 


What’s in my backpack

Time for typical post time. I know these are popular on Youtube and I love watching them. So I thought I would have a post about it on my blog. Plus, I love these. But seriously where has the time gone the second week of my sophomore year of college almost over but only 9 more weeks until I have that associates. Yes! In for the home stretch, but still a ways to go until I get to have the career I want. However, since I have been going to school non stop it will be good for a term or two off. Finally some time to relax… Well sort of. I still have to work and I will have to take whatever shifts they give me. That’s what you get for being at the bottom of the totum pool. Anyways before its Halloween, let me say whats in my backback while it is still technically back to school.

What’s in my backpack?

First and foremost my laptop!! That has some of my textbooks on it. Also, let me just add thank goodness for ebooks! I love how light they are becuase its as light as my computer. Now if only science books could be in an ebook all would be well in the world. I also have online classes so I do that homework between my classes that I have on campus on days I am at school since I work every other day.

I also keep other essentials such as my phone, wallet, and carkeys. All of which I can’t leave the house without, with my laptop included!

Next is the more needed college essentials such as notebooks, folders, a pencil, pencil lead, and my favorite colored pens and highlighters. I also keep white out, sticky notes and a stapler. I also always carry a water bottle and a snack because everyone knows how important that is. Lastly, another essential a planner! I would die without this it is my life! I would forget everything without it. 

No Romance

Thankfully, I got this post back and before I decide not to repost it I will…

I have thought about this topic as a blog post for many months now and I have finally figured it out. But I’ll be honest, it took many cups of coffee, lots of friends, good times, and bad times to come to this.

I have finally realized that I don’t need a boyfriend right now. And yes I don’t have a boyfriend right now, and as much as I would like one, but I have also realized that I don’t need one right now. I needed to realize what I had/have to do in life. I now have a better understanding  of what I want in life and where I want to go. I have also had some time to work on myself- also important.

I also realized that I am more comfortable about telling others how I feel and not being so introverted; however, I have my blog and my job to thank for that. I talk to people a lot in person and on the phone at my job.

However, back to being single. Being single has been good it has allowed me time to work on myself and discover what I want from life. It has allowed me to grow more spiritually, and independently. I have been actively working on my future and how to get everything I need to get done in a day. Also, to be honest, if I am having a hard time doing everything I need to do now, so how will I have enough time for a boyfriend. But, on the same token, I do wish I had one because, as much as I love myself more now than I did a year ago I still wish I had someone to love me… But that’s what dogs are for am I right, unconditional love- Just not one that eats my backpack (if you haven’t read that post click Here)


*Keffyskrazylife does not claim credit for any images posted on this blog unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyrighted to their owners. If there is an image that belongs to you and you do not want it to appear on this site please e-mail a link of the image and it will be removed.

Life of a blogger 

I had a post that was public earlier today delete for some reason… Why!! I put forth good effort with every post I write- I would also like to add that great thought goes into it and it takes hours– but that would be a bit much so I’m not going to say that.

Now that careful thought out post is nothing but a memory I tried to recover it but I’m not on a computer and can’t get to one until Friday because of work and school- which thankfully is over on the first of september for about a month, yea!

But that is definitely the last time I schedule a post and don’t back it up. It only takes one time. However, that saying is often used in a different context. But of course that had to happen to me the one time I didn’t back up my post it is gone- however on the other hand I thought one deleted that I did back up awhile back and it just didn’t show up on a mobile divice until I changed the setting. I’ll be optimistic maybe it will be an easy couple mouse clicks away to recover. Only time will tell…